🔔 Notifications in Gordon Driver
Yes, you read that right! We finally have notifications in Gordon Driver!!
This will help inform the driver about upcoming routes and when action is needed. We’ve added notifications for the following events:
When a driver has been assigned/unassigned to a route
When temperature is deviating from the set range on the route
When the route is about to start within 15 minutes
Note: In order for this to work, the driver needs to have push notifications enabled in the app.
↕️ Improved 'Add to Route' modal
Based on customer feedback, we’ve expanded the ‘Add to Route’ modal. This will make it easier to get an overview of route suggestions and pick the right route (and stop sequence) for an order.
Some other changes:
Turned it 90° so the route list is to the left, and the map to the right
Added new stop markers on the map in the color of the route so it’s easier to distinguish the stop you're adding
Always show the depot location on the map
🚚 Assign Driver in Activity
We’ve given the Assign Driver modal in Activity some more love. Based on your feedback, we've updated both performance and functionality to make it easier to work with.
Fixed some bugs causing the modal to feel very slow and generally cumbersome to work with
Added keyboard navigation so you only have to use your keyboard to assign drivers (same as in old Activity)
♻️ Other Fixes and Improvements
Added keyboard navigation when assigning drivers
Fixed some bugs when assigning drivers to make it faster and less cumbersome to work with
Updated the colors in Activity so they're brighter and easier to distinguish
Fixed a bug causing the deviation counter to be incorrect sometimes in Warehouse
Made adjustments and improvements to the BKY integration
Other small stuff