It's not uncommon that our customers need to create orders that are assigned to different delivery groups in our Last Mile Platform.
Some normal use cases include:
Selling to multiple countries with different shipping zones. We'll look into this example below and how to set up shipping for Denmark and Sweden in one store.
Selling both to B2B and B2C customers. This requires different delivery days and time windows. B2B is common during office hours, while B2C customers tend to want their deliveries in the afternoon/evening and during the weekends.
In this article, we'll dive into the details of how to handle multiple delivery groups with our WooCommerce plugin.
1. Set up delivery groups
Before you get started, you need to make sure that you have at least two delivery groups with active order switches.
You can read more about how to create a delivery group. If you're part of Gordon's collaborated flow, please contact our Operations team and they'll assist you.
2. Prepare shipping options
The next step is for you to prepare the shipping options and configure them to your liking. You need to have individual shipping options for each delivery group.
In the example below, we have created two shipping zones, one for Denmark and one for Sweden, with Gordon as a shipping option in each country.
3. Enable Gordon shipping
Now you need to connect the shipping option to our Last Mile Platform. Start by editing the shipping zone and then scroll down to the shipping method/option you'd like to connect.
Set 'Gordon Service' from 'No Gordon Connection' to 'Delivery to home address via Gordon'. Make sure to update the field for 'Gordon Delivery Group' so it reflects the correct delivery group in the platform.
In the case below, we've enabled deliveries in Sweden. We clicked on the shipping zone for 'Sweden', opened up the shipping option 'Gordon Home Delivery', connected to Gordon, and updated the delivery group to 'Gordon Store SE'.
4. Test the connection
Add a few items to your checkout cart and make sure that it works properly. How the tests are carried out depends on your shipping logic.
You might need to switch country under shipping information to see the different options. If it's connected to specific products or overall order weight, make sure to test different scenarios to validate the connection.