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Create and configure an order switch
Create and configure an order switch

How to create an Order Switch

Kristoffer avatar
Written by Kristoffer
Updated over 2 years ago

An order switch connects depots and delivery groups in the platform and decides which depot an order should belong to when it is imported into the system.

How does an order switch work?

There are two ways to use an order switch:

  1. Connect a delivery group directly to a depot
    All orders that are imported to the platform for a specific delivery group will end up on the connected depot.

  2. Distribute orders using zip code list
    List and connect the delivery group to several depots by using a zip code list. The order switch help distributes the orders to the correct depot depending on the customer's zip code.

How to create an order switch

  1. Click on 'Account' in the left-hand menu

  2. Click on 'Order Switches' in the top menu to access the order switch page

  3. Then click on 'Create Order Switch'

  4. Fill in the name and address of your order switch and click on 'Save'

Congrats! You've created your first order switch πŸŽ‰

When the order switch has been created, you need to connect it to depot(s) and delivery group(s).

How to configure an order switch

  1. Click on 'Order Switches' in the top menu to access the order switch page

  2. Locate the newly created order switch. It should have a label with the text 'Invalid'.

  3. Click on the order switch name to get to the order switch page.

  4. Click on the 'Settings' tab.

  5. Select if you want to use a 1:1 relationship and connect the delivery group to one depot or if you want to use a zip code list and connect the delivery group to multiple depots.

  6. Finally, you need to connect a Delivery Group to the Order Switch.

  7. Click 'Account' in the left-hand menu

  8. Click on 'Delivery Groups' in the top menu

  9. Click on the Delivery Group you want to connect

  10. In the 'Info' tab, click 'Connect order switch'

  11. Select the Order Switch in the modal.

  12. Click 'Save'

Connect a delivery group directly to a depot

If you want to set up the order switch with a direct connection between the depot and delivery group:

  1. Select 'Depot' on the 'Connect new areas by' setting.

  2. Select the Depot that you want to connect.

  3. Click 'Save'

  4. If you go to the 'Overview' tab the Depot should show up.

Distribute orders using zip code list

If you want to set up the Order Switch with a zip code list and several Depots:

  1. Select 'Zipcodes' on the 'Connect new areas by' setting.

  2. Upload a .csv file containing the information about all zip codes.
    (Download our Zip Code Import Example File (right-click, and save as) zip code list file. A specification of the import format is found here.

  3. Map the areas in the file with the depots on your Account.

  4. If you want to replace the entire zip code list, check 'Replace current zipcode list', otherwise if you just want to update the list with new zip codes you can leave it blank.

  5. Click 'Save'

Now you are all done and ready to import orders! πŸŽ‰

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