Knowing the status of your order is an important part when monitoring your routes. Gordon Last Mile Platform offers several different order statuses.
It's time to sort out what the different order statuses actually mean.
Order has been successfully delivered and received by end-customer.
Delivered Outside
Order has been delivered outside the door. The driver is required to take a photo, which is automatically shared with the end-customer through the tracking link.
Partially Delivered
Part of the order has been successfully delivered. This option is available when one or more packages are not scanned in the driver app.
Unable To Deliver
Driver is not able to deliver the order. Choosing this option forces the driver to put an internal comment on what happened. This could be due to the end-customer not being home or having put in the wrong code to the building.
Too Late To Deliver
Order was not able to be delivered before a certain time window.
Customer Cancelled
End-customer has cancelled the order and it shouldn't be delivered by the driver.
Not On Route
The physical package is missing from the route.
Missing From Producer
Used when the supplier has not been able to deliver the order to the driver in time.
Wrong Depot
The order has been delivered to the wrong Distribution Center and can therefore not be delivered to the end-customer.
Damaged Goods
The driver is unable to fulfill the delivery due to damage to the package or contained items.
What status can the drivers set?
All statuses can be updated manually from the Last Mile Platform. Drivers can also update to a limited amount of statuses through the Driver App, including the following:
Delivered Outside
Partially Delivered
Not On Route
Unable To Deliver