Service: Delivery π¦
User Rights: Write π
Section: Account βοΈ
Managing and maintaining user access is, of course, an important part of our platform. Roles and areas of responsibility are never static and you might want to update user access along the way.
Don't worry, it's a breeze. Here's how you do it!
How to update user access
Navigate to 'Account' in the main menu and select 'Users'. Find the user whose access you wish to update.
Click on the kebab menu (three dots - it's a funny name, we know) next to the user you want to edit. From the dropdown menu, select 'Edit'.
Change the access permission in a similar way as when you're creating a new user. You can update access to the following parts of the platform:
Account Access & Modules
Delivery Groups
After you have made your changes, continue to the third step and click on the 'Save User' button in order to save your changes.
Note: You can find users either by scrolling through the list of users of by using the search bar. You can search for an email or a name.
Useful resources
Invite new users to your account
Create a user account
Configure account settings